Saturday, 24 December 2016

“Less is more VS Less is a bore”.

Mr. Zammit this week gave us the controversies titles that we are going to do our debates on. I choose “Less is more Vs Less is a bore.” I choose this title because I’m familiar with the subject. Ms. Mamo, in one of her task we had to read Robert Venturi’s manifesto. And he mentioned it a lot the “less is a more” and “less is a bore.”  But although I’m familiar with this subject there is more research to be done.

“Less is more

To put modernist movement in one phrase, it would be Mies Van Der Rohe’s famous pronunciation “Less is more.” The phrase embodies the architectural language. “Less is more” was a famous phrase from all around the word. “Less is more” believed in Minimalism. It is associated with functional design that was reduced and kept the important elements only. This is to keep the design simple. Before Mies Van Der Rohe there was Aldof Loss and Le Corbusier who theorized something similar. L e Corbusier theory was about Purism.

“Less is a bore”

The phrase “Less is a bore” is not very popular as “Less is more” but it’s still very important. “Less is a bore” is said by Robert Venturi. This phrase is associated with the Post Modernism architecture. The Post Modernism was the return of ornate design and more energetic forms.  Robert Venturi with “less is a bore” he was criticizing “less is more”. He said that “less is more” was for the architects only not for the people.
Here I found some basic information about the topic but for the debates I must do more research to know the subject from inside out.

Archi objects, 2016. Less is more vs Less is a bore – Which one?. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 22 December 2016].
architizer, 2016. Architecture’s Eternal Debate: “Less Is More” vs. “Less Is a Bore”. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 22 December 2016].
simplicable, 2016. Less Is More vs Less Is A Bore. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 22 December 2016].

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Proposal title

My proposal is to make a better living environment for the local orphanages.

Researching about orphans reveals that when children are detached from their parents, they can suffer from traumas. John Bowlby's attachment theory focuses on a child’s behavior and attitude toward their adulthood. How this affects their adult care giving due to their lack of parental attachment. Children who for some reason are not with their parents. Whether it be that their parents have died, abandoned them, abused them or could not afford to sustain their life.

I want to tackle their psychology issues using colours, textures, patterns and nature. I believe that bettering their environment, would lead to them adapting easier and faster to their new life, in an orphanage.

First I came up with the title "To improve the interior space of a local orphanages." Ms Abela thought that there was something wrong with this title. She didn't give me her reasons, but as I analysed the title I thought that maybe the title was too elaborate. Maybe I needed to emphasis exactly on what I was going to tackle.

I brainstorm some keywords on what I needed to tackle in this proposal. What was the problem I'm solving? Then I came up with my new title.

"The impact of interior design on the emotional well being of children as applied to local orphanages"

I prefer this title because I'm pointing out exactly what I'm focusing on. The emotional well being of orphans!

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Continues with next week blog.

Last week I talked about inquires. This week I'm going discuss Secondary research.

Secondary research is information that others have gathered through primary research. I use secondary research by going online or reading books to see what other people have discovered, researched and written.

Obviously design is what I mostly search about because this is my subject and it's something that interest me.

Ms Mamo explained that when secondary researching, we must use words that are straight to the point meaning that we write the right words. She suggested that before doing secondary research, we brainstorm and think of the topics that we want to tackle. Think about the design problem, and highlight the main topics. By using keywords you can focus on the information you need and it will save time. 

Online sources offer a variety of information.   The question is, "Is it good information?"  
When reading through some online sources, you'll notice that the information its not up to standard and can't always be relied upon.  Sometimes they are not even written in proper English. So in that case Ms Mamo explained that we need to look at who wrote the information; look at his background; other types of information that could support his research; If it has been updated; and comments from other readers.

What I normally do is look at other relative information and if everything connects then it's a valid information. 

Then there are case studies. Case studies - when you look into other peoples work.
I look at how other designers have tackled the same design issues and most of the time case studies help me to be inspired.

Ma Mamo  said that don't just look at their design and say it's good but observe, see what they have done differently and how they planned their circulation according to the user. The case studied has to be viewed within the context. The social and physical setting. 

I use secondary research a lot. Although Ms Mamo taught me a lot on how to improve my secondary research. 


BA Spatial Design - Yr2: Design Principles and Methods - 2016/2017,  Design Methods. [pdf] Antoinette Mamo . Available at: file:///C:/Users/racfal/Downloads/3._Design_Methods_STAGE_1_-_Discover.pdf> [Accessed 4 December 2016].

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Research  methods.

This week, our unit is called “Design Principles & Methods”. Ms Mamo, our lecturer has outlined different types of design methods.

Ms Mamo explained that design methods consist of three particular points.

·        Inquiry
·        Observation
·        Secondary research

Inquiry consist of:
·        interviews
·        questionnaires
·        focus groups
·        Graffiti walls

An interview is a one on one discussion, which helps to analyse one’s thoughts ,motivation, ideas and behavior. Sometimes interviews are used to gain information from experts in the subject. Interviews help to enhance your knowledge of the subject and often give inspirational ideas for problem solving.

For me an interview is a great research method. I find that having that person sharing their experiences is much more rewarding then researching a book or the internet.

I had carried out some interviews before but am now more informed and I am going to prepare myself more with more relevant questions to ask to achieve my requirements.

Questionnaires are surveys designed for individuals usually to be answered anonymously. They respond according to their characters, thoughts, feelings and behaviors. These help to analyse the majorities thoughts.

I have previously carried out a questionnaire, however if I had to do it again, my questions would be more straight to the point. Sometimes people hate filling questionnaires because they think it's a waste of time.... so why not make it more interesting, like adding example images and short sentences that everyone can understand.

Focus Groups contain a particular group of people that are relevant to your subject. These groups have their own opinions, feelings and behaviors. So there could possibly be disagreements within the group, however these disagreements are what makes the discussion interesting and help in your research.

Personally I don't think that focus groups are helpful to me. When focus groups are arranged, one must control the participants and for this reason I would rather prefer interviews. But then again it depends on the situation.

As I said in the beginning, research methods have more points and this is just a small part. I will discuss the other factors in next week's blog post.

BA Spatial Design - Yr2: Design Principles and Methods - 2016/2017,  Design Methods. [pdf] Antoinette Mamo . Available at: file:///C:/Users/racfal/Downloads/3._Design_Methods_STAGE_1_-_Discover.pdf> [Accessed 4 December 2016].