Sunday, 29 January 2017

Bowlby's Attachment Theory.
For my literature review I read Bowlby’s Attachment Theory. This information was useful for me because it helped me understand more about the orphans and their needs.  This would help me develop my design in a way to accommodate their psychological needs.
Attachment is a bond. In this case, a bond formed between a child and their parent or caregiver.
Summary of Bowlby’s Attachment Theory.
John Bowlby (1907, 1990.)  He was a psychoanalyst who believes that mental health and behavioural issues begin at a small age. 
He talks about the attachment that a baby automatically has with their mother at birth. When the baby feels this closeness, the attachment is immediately activated.
Social Releasers.
Bowlby mentions “Social Releasers.” This is a behaviour that babies are born with which helps them become closer with their mother such as crying, smiling crawling etc., as feeding is not the only thing that determines attachment.
Bowlby mentioned that in the first two years of life, babies are in a critical period of their development, and this bond should be formed with the mother during this period.  If for some reason this attachment is delayed or not formed, this could lead to the child suffering long term consequences such as aggressive behaviour, depression, lack of affection, limited or reduced intelligence or delinquency.  There are several reasons why the mother does not give this maternal care, such as death, marriage separation or lack of funds to support raising the child. This risk continues until the child is five.
Whilst researching Bowlby’s theory, I found information on an experiment that was conducted by Harlow and Zimmerman in 1959. This experiment proves that developing a close relationship with the caregiver is not only derived from or related to food.
The experiment involved a baby monkey and two artificial mothers, one made from cloth and the other made from metal wire which had a milk bottle attached to it. The experiment shows that the monkey was more attracted to the cloth mother, because it made it feel comfort and security. The monkey went to the wire monkey only to drink, but as soon as it was ready he went back to his original mother being the tower cloth mother. This shows that warmth and comfort is a big part of a baby’s development period.
This is part of my research about Bowlbys Attachment theory. Next blog I will continue discussing this theory.

simply psychology, 2007. Bowlby's Attachment Theory. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14, January 2017].

Psychology concepts, 2011-2013. Harlows Studies on Attachment. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29, January, 2017].

Slide share, 2013. Bowlby's theory of attachment. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29, January, 2017].

Sunday, 22 January 2017

This week.

This week was my last week to work on my dateline. I hate this type of weeks. Practically these last three weeks I haven't seen outside accept to go to school. The ironic thing is that you work and work and you're never ready. I always have something to arrange or to do. Every year in the first day when I enter school, after the summer holidays, I'll say this year I'm not going to leave for the last week to finish all the assignment, this is another year and the same thing happened.

Although this year was different. I worked hard on every assignments but because this year was all about team work we had to rely on one another. So when you do your part you are free, however I'm not like that when I finish my part I'll talk to my team and tell them who needs help. I was all about finishing earlier. Although we have a lot of work and it's a little bit impossible.

I liked working with my team. I had three group for three assignments. We worked all together  and that what makes our team strong. Two tips of group where the same people and the other one that involve sustainable design we where different people accept one. That one person that she is my friend and we always work together. We like to work together because we understand each other and we help each other. Sometimes we fight or a much technical word is argue because maybe we don't agree on something but that's normal. 

Friday, 13 January 2017

To add to last weeks blog.
On revisiting my blog on Monday, I  realised that I wrote a lot of data without sufficient information.  I am therefore elaborating on some of the previous factors in more detail.

 Malta- Gozo Proposed Tunnel/Bridge (adding information)
First question is about how we are going to fund the studies that cost millions.”
the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in The Times of Malta
The Prime Minister, Mr Joseph Muscat said that the Chinese Government are going to supply the funds for the feasibility studies of the possibility of building a bridge.
The initial proposal of The Gozo Bridge was conducted by the Economic Planning Division in 1969 and by the Japanese Government’s Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency in 1972.

 Why should we build a bridge or tunnel?
Dr Muscat Mentioned, also in The Times of Malta, there was a requirement for a bridge or tunnel to assist the Gozitans travelling to Malta from work or school, thus not having to stay for long periods in Malta.  
The prime minister agreed with Dr Simon Busuttil that an underground system is a better option.
Then Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil said that the negative effect arising from the tunnel is the increasing of traffic to the small quiet island of Gozo. The tunnel was first proposed by the previous government.
The Prime Minister Joseph Muscat talked with The Times of Malta about the possibility of improving the ferry service.  This might solve the problem of building the tunnel or bridge and is a consideration to lower cost fee of the ferry.

 The End
There is other information that I didn’t go into detail here but I mentioned in my earlier blog.  This was a blog that I leand from the previous blog.

times of malta, 2016. Tunnel linking Malta to Gozo most viable option – Muscat; 'Queue' of consortia interested in project. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 January 2017].

times of malta, 2015. Gozo: bridge plan shelved, focus will be on tunnel. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 January 2017].

in dependent, 2016. Government intends moving forward with Malta-Gozo link, but all options open - PM[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 January 2017].
independent, 2014. Gozo: A bridge too far?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 January 2017].
independent, 2013. Mixed reactions to Gozo bridge concept. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 January 2017].
maltatoday, 2014. Chinese landscapes: From bridge to breakwater?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 January 2017].

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Malta- Gozo Proposed Tunnel/Bridge

This week at school in our English class, Mr Zammit separated the class into small groups. Every group had  different controversial subjects. Our group was about the proposed project of Malta and Gozo building a bridge or a tunnel.

We began by researching  the history of the project.  The first proposal was introduced in 1972 with the introduction being to build a bridge. Although there were many negative aspects of this proposal, one of them was that Gozo could become more congested.  As  Gozo  is known as the quieter island.  it was mentioned that if the bridge went ahead, Malta and Gozo will become one and thus only requiring one hospital, ministry, court, etc., for both Malta and Gozo.

In 2006 a tunnel was suggested.

In June 2013 a Chinese company wanted to invest 4 million on this bridge.

Research showed that during the first quarter of the year, more than a million passengers crossed from one island to the other.

Whilst researching the history of this project,  we noted the “pros and cons”(as stated by others.)

Project Disadvantage:
 Cost and time to build.

Current Ferry Disadvantage:  Sometimes, due to weather conditions, the ferry doesn't work. It takes a lot of time to travel from Gozo and Malta. When using the ferry everyday or even once a week, the costs can be too high.

Project Advantage: This project could bring more business to Gozo.  Also, Students and employees, will travel in less time.

Personally, I prefer the ferry because it's traditional and something not often found in other countries.

However,  I do understand those  Gozitan that work or go to school in Malta and have to  travel once a week or even daily.

There were also suggestions of improving the ferry service.  This might solve the problem of building the tunnel or bridge and is a consideration of lower cost fee of the ferry. 

times of malta, 2016. Tunnel linking Malta to Gozo most viable option – Muscat; 'Queue' of consortia interested in project. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 January 2017].

times of malta, 2015. Gozo: bridge plan shelved, focus will be on tunnel. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 January 2017].

in dependent, 2016. Government intends moving forward with Malta-Gozo link, but all options open - PM[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 January 2017].

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Christmas Time.

Last week as everybody knows it was Christmas. This year we didn’t want to do an ordinary dinner feast at home like every year. So, we decided to go to Gozo and stay there for a couple of days. We went there on the 23 that was Friday and stayed till boxing day. On Christmas eve, we stayed in and did a family party. And on Christmas day we woke up and placed the presents near the chimney. My brother has children, one is around Five years old and the other is Three years old so that’s why we set the presents near the chimney because they believe in father Christmas.

Father Christmas......  every adult knows that father Christmas doesn’t exist but where the idea begins of Father Christmas.

The man behind the story of the Christmas father was St Nicholas. St Nicholas lived in the fourth century.  He lived in Turkey. His parents died when he was just a kid and left him a lot of money. Although St Nicholas was rich, he was kind too. He helped a lot of people in need, by giving them secret gifts. There are many legends about St. Nicholas, although we don’t know if they are true.

Because of his generosity, they made him a saint, ‘St Nicholas.’
So how St Nicholas Turned into Santa Clause?
When time passed St Nicholas was forgotten. But then some people were thinking, how presents are going to be delivered in Christmas day to children? In the Uk, during middle ages there were stories plays and they got some of the old characters. And that’s where the character developed into ‘Father Christmas’ or ‘Old Man Christmas.’

In the USA, they called him ‘Kris kringle’ in the beginning, for Christ kind. Time passed and Dutch where living in the USA. They took the old stories of St Nicholas in the USA and there Kris Kringle. From there St Nicholas became 'Sinterklaas’ in another word 'Santa Claus'!
St Nicholas became popular again trough writers, Poets and artist. This was In the Victorian era. For example, Dr, Clement Clarke Moore wrote the famous poems ‘A Visit from St. Nicholas' or 'T'was the Night before Christmas', practically the poems talk about St. Nicholas, eight reindeers. The reindeers became famous in the song ‘Rudolph the Red nosed’ that was written in 1949.

This was a basic story of how Father Christmas was created.
Christmas is the most holiday season I love. I will be waiting for it all year. Now I have to wait another year for another Christmas.


whychristmas, 2016. St. Nicholas, Santa Claus & Father Christmas. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 December 2016].