Sunday, 1 January 2017

Christmas Time.

Last week as everybody knows it was Christmas. This year we didn’t want to do an ordinary dinner feast at home like every year. So, we decided to go to Gozo and stay there for a couple of days. We went there on the 23 that was Friday and stayed till boxing day. On Christmas eve, we stayed in and did a family party. And on Christmas day we woke up and placed the presents near the chimney. My brother has children, one is around Five years old and the other is Three years old so that’s why we set the presents near the chimney because they believe in father Christmas.

Father Christmas......  every adult knows that father Christmas doesn’t exist but where the idea begins of Father Christmas.

The man behind the story of the Christmas father was St Nicholas. St Nicholas lived in the fourth century.  He lived in Turkey. His parents died when he was just a kid and left him a lot of money. Although St Nicholas was rich, he was kind too. He helped a lot of people in need, by giving them secret gifts. There are many legends about St. Nicholas, although we don’t know if they are true.

Because of his generosity, they made him a saint, ‘St Nicholas.’
So how St Nicholas Turned into Santa Clause?
When time passed St Nicholas was forgotten. But then some people were thinking, how presents are going to be delivered in Christmas day to children? In the Uk, during middle ages there were stories plays and they got some of the old characters. And that’s where the character developed into ‘Father Christmas’ or ‘Old Man Christmas.’

In the USA, they called him ‘Kris kringle’ in the beginning, for Christ kind. Time passed and Dutch where living in the USA. They took the old stories of St Nicholas in the USA and there Kris Kringle. From there St Nicholas became 'Sinterklaas’ in another word 'Santa Claus'!
St Nicholas became popular again trough writers, Poets and artist. This was In the Victorian era. For example, Dr, Clement Clarke Moore wrote the famous poems ‘A Visit from St. Nicholas' or 'T'was the Night before Christmas', practically the poems talk about St. Nicholas, eight reindeers. The reindeers became famous in the song ‘Rudolph the Red nosed’ that was written in 1949.

This was a basic story of how Father Christmas was created.
Christmas is the most holiday season I love. I will be waiting for it all year. Now I have to wait another year for another Christmas.


whychristmas, 2016. St. Nicholas, Santa Claus & Father Christmas. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 December 2016].

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